Evolve is now accredited with QCTO, W&R SETA and DHET. As a training organisation we are accredited and fully equipped to run face-to-face facilitations, distance learning programmes,
as well as a combination of the two. We are RPL certified and accredited with most of the retail related QCTO qualifications and
we are a registered and accredited assessment centre.
Evolve is an accredited training provider, offering learning solutions in numerous sectors
Note: Any unit standard within a qualification can be offered and customised should this be a requirement
Unit Std
- 252022 Develop, implement and evaluate a project plan
Unit Std
- 252037 Build teams to achieve goals and objectives
Unit Std
- 252040 Manage the finances of a unit
Unit Std
- 242811 Prioritise time and work for one’s self and team
Unit Std
- 242819 Motivate and build a team
Unit Std
- 242824 Apply leadership concepts in a work context
Unit Std
- 242829 Monitor the level of service to a range of customers
Unit Std
- 242817 Solve problems, make decisions and implement solutions
Unit Std
- 118037 Supervise sales performance
Unit Std
- 118028 Supervise customer service standards
Unit Std
- 14667 Describe and apply the management functions of an organisation
Unit Std
- 118033 Supervise promotional activities
Unit Std
- 118030 Supervise POS operations